Ambler Farm Sunflower Fields
Oil on Linen
10 x 40″
Ambler Farm Sunflower Fields
Oil on Linen
10 x 40″
Ambler Farm Sunflower Fields
Oil on Linen
10 x 40″
Ambler Farm Sunflower Fields are the highlight of Wilton, Connecticut, in late summer. The farm is open to the strolling public and sells beautiful flowers and vegetables. Ambler farm grows more than plants. They grow the community — people come to enjoy each other and walk in nature.
I walked Beau and Ollie, my sister’s border collies, there every morning for almost two years. The ritual was grand for both the dogs and myself. Early morning mist and peace started another day of searching for my new version of home. Ambler Farm Sunflower Fields area very special place for me.
Painting en Plein aire is always a communal experience. The artist is mainly engrossed in the translation of the moment. The spectator sometimes has no clue what is going through the artist’s head. The comments are varied and can be hysterical. It sometimes feels like a show — like a demo in an art class.
These particular painting sessions yielded an unforgettable comment I will not soon forget. In fact, it has been a rallying cry in my head of late. A woman who works making floral arrangements talked to me at length. She had studied art and worked in galleries. Now, she worked on the farm and was very happy.
She asked me where I was from, and I told her I had gone through a major life change, was staying with my sister, and was traveling the world. Her response hit me in the gut!
“Relationships are hard. Life is hard. Always take the hard road.”
Now, whenever I think things are hard, I just keep plugging along. They don’t seem so hard soon enough. I hope my older age always includes a challenge. And lots of love and happiness.
It has so far.
Bravo to the sunflowers!
P.S. Ambler Farm did not plant sunflowers in 2023!