New Work

My life has been put through the spin cycle in the last few years. I am now firmly planted on Windsong Way in Walpole, Maine. I am in the middle of the Pemaquid Peninsula, just in time for winter.
I love living here. I love the change of seasons and light.
These are my new works after flying off the trapeze of the nomadic life – I am so glad to be home.

New Work

My life has been put through the spin cycle in the last few years. I am now firmly planted on Windsong Way in Walpole, Maine. I am in the middle of the Pemaquid Peninsula, just in time for winter.
I love living here. I love the change of seasons and light.
These are my new works after flying off the trapeze of the nomadic life – I am so glad to be home.

Practicing for Nyeopi in Bali

"Art hurts,

art urges voyages,

and it is easier to stay home."

Gwendolyn Brooks



Join me while I fly on the trapeze of life!

The greatest tricks are performed mid-air.

Follow my artist's journey

as I capture the spirit of people and places.

Alright! Let's Go! Andiamo!