Genius Loci 2021-2023

Genius Loci is the spirit, character, and atmosphere of a place.
Join me in my journey these past few years.
Flying on that trapeze of life…looking for home.

Genius Loci 2021-2023

Genius Loci is the spirit, character
& atmosphere of a place.
Join me in my journey these past few years.
Flying on that trapeze of life…looking for home.

New Zealand

Southeast Florida

The Atlantic Ocean & The Florida Everglades

Fairfield County, Connecticut

The Netherlands


My Quest for Genius Loci

My life recently took an unexpected turn, making me question the memories of half my existence.
Painting en Plein air challenges me to discover myself and the world.
For the past few years, I have traveled extensively,
capturing the Genius Loci — the spirit, character, and atmosphere of the places I land.

In the words of Alexander Pope, British 18th-century poet…

To build, to plant, whatever you intend,
To rear the Column or the Arch to bend,
To swell the Terras, or to sink the Grot;
In all, let Nature never be forgot.
Consult the Genius of the Place in all
That tells the waters for to rise, or fall…
Joins willing woods and varies shades from shades
Now Breaks, or now directs, th’intending Lines;
Paints as you plant, and as you work, Designs.

My Quest for Genius Loci

My life recently took an unexpected turn, making me question the memories of half my existence.
Painting en Plein air challenges me to discover myself and the world.
For the past few years, I have traveled extensively,
capturing the Genius Loci — the spirit, character, and atmosphere of the places I land.

In the words of Alexander Pope, British 18th-century poet…

To build, to plant, whatever you intend,
To rear the Column or the Arch to bend,
To swell the Terras, or to sink the Grot;
In all, let Nature never be forgot.
Consult the Genius of the Place in all
That tells the waters for to rise, or fall…
Joins willing woods and varies shades from shades
Now Breaks, or now directs, th’intending Lines;
Paints as you plant, and as you work, Designs.

Practicing for Nyeopi in Bali

"Art hurts,

art urges voyages,

and it is easier to stay home."

Gwendolyn Brooks



Join me while I fly on the trapeze of life!

The greatest tricks are performed mid-air.

Follow my artist's journey

as I capture the spirit of people and places.

Alright! Let's Go! Andiamo!