Pemaquid Point
Oil on Linen
40 x 10″
Pemaquid Point could be the most photographed place in Maine. I hiked out on the rocks — dabbed a spot of orange at my feet so I could find it again for three days — to paint this en Plein air. The sun rose, and the shadow colors evolved into incredible hues.
Pemaquid Point is located at the southern tip of the Pemaquid Peninsula. The native Wabanaki Confederacy of First Nations settled here during the early 17th century, but by 1620, their tribes were taken over by the English. Two merchants from Bristol, England, acquired 12,000 acres plus 100 acres for every settler they brought from England in 1631 so by early 1670 Pemaquid had a population of about 200 people. Now, the towns of Bristol and South Bristol house a wide variety of Mainers and transplants.
Maine is a Plein air painter’s absolute paradise. The rocky coasts are nestled amongst luscious forests. Fantastic hiking, seafood, and sailing are all offered with incredible light. Winter is long, and the days are short. Nature takes your breath away at every turn. Hiking out to this point is the very best way to experience the genius loci of Pemaquid Point.