Oil on Linen Panel
10 x 20″
Oil on Linen Panel
10 x 20″
Oil on Linen Panel
10 x 20″
Twilight is the light show painters dream about. The end of the day on the Everglades is a meeting spot for the community. The Army Corp of Engineers has paved a walkway out into the Glades. The sunset is the best show in town.
Twilight has a particular Genius Loci – the spirit of a place. The sounds of alligators, birds in flight and feeding, and cars – yes, cars. All of this is part of the Genius Loci of this place. The water has been routed to keep from flooding the land. That land is where our houses, schools, and shopping malls were built. Nature surviving development.
Yet, every evening The Everglades put on a light show unparalleled anywhere else. Anyone can ride their bike, walk, or just pull up a lawn chair to experience the show. Never to disappoint.
Nature’s Cathedral is where the community comes to gather. To worship. To pray for another day of peace. Hopefully, once the light retreats, the traffic does too.
Twilight is a painting of peace.